Summer rules
OK, we cry “uncle” — Mother Nature seems determined to breakup with winter early this year. As of April 11, Tsalteshi is switching to summer rules (traditionally we make the switch April 15). That means the trails are now open to bikes (helmets, please!), runners, hikers and dog-walkers (keep dogs on a leash or under voice control, please!).
BUT, until the trails dry out and firm up, please observe the following:
- Parking at Wolverine Trailhead off K-Beach: Please park only on the gravel pad. DO NOT park near the gate. That area is not supported by gravel, and vehicles will cause ruts, bigger puddles and further erosion, and might eventually get swamped altogether.
- Bikes and strollers: Please avoid leaving ruts in the trails as much as possible. Until things firm up, anything wheeled will sink in on the still-soupy sections. Though we haven’t lost anyone to a sinkhole yet* (*not that we’ve heard of, anyway), the ruts left behind will prolong the time it takes for the trails to smooth out as they dry. Wherever possible, stick to areas that can support your weight.
- Dogs: Please keep dogs on a leash or at least under voice control. Keep in mind that though your dog might usually be perfectly well behaved, you never know when a moose, hare, bike, runner, etc. might startle your furry friend or otherwise behave in a way that causes your pup to react unexpectedly. Please help make the trails a fun, safe experience for all users (wildlife included). And please remove any doggie droppings deposited on the trails.
Choose Your Weapon 10k
Calling all skiers, bikers, snowshoers, runners and human-powered transportation enthusiasts! The first ever Choose Your Weapon event will be held April 19 at Tsalteshi. Ski, bike, run, hike, crawl, snowshoe or moonwalk your way around a 10k (or so) course. (This year, we’re thinking running shoes, bikes or mud boots will be the best weapons.)
Calling all skiers, bikers, snowshoers, runners and human-powered transportation enthusiasts! The first ever Choose Your Weapon event will be held April 19 at Tsalteshi. Ski, bike, run, hike, crawl, snowshoe or moonwalk your way around a 10k (or so) course. (This year, we’re thinking running shoes, bikes or mud boots will be the best weapons.)
- Race begins at 11 a.m. April 19 at the Wolverine trailhead off K-Beach Road.
- Register in advance online at for a price discount.
- Prices are $25 for advance registration or $30 for day-of registration.
- TTA members — use promo code TTAMEMBER to get a $5 discount.
- Bib pickup and race-day registration starts at 10 a.m.
Single-track (on our) mind
Tsalteshi Trails Association is considering options for creating single-track bike trails. At the TTA meeting Wednesday, April 9, the board decided to pursue two options:
For the short term, we plan to improve the snowshoe trail to make it more bikeable. Volunteers needed! Please see Brad at Beemuns to sign up to help on a work crew. Work will begin as soon as the trails dry out (likely in a few weeks).
For the longer term, we’re investigating options for a multiuse area that would include building single-track trails. This process takes time, but TTA is actively pursuing the matter and will provide updates as progress is made. In the meantime, anyone with experience in designing or building single-track trails who would like to help is encouraged to do so. Contact us via email or sign up at Beemuns, noting your area of expertise.
Support Tsalteshi
Skiers might want to put this snow-scant winter out of our minds, but if you remember the challenging conditions we endured, you will understand that the lack of snow had a few specific consequences (aside from skier depression):
Canceling several events that serve as important fundraisers for TTA.
Difficult grooming conditions, meaning more time and wear and tear put on our grooming equipment (and groomers).
Hosting several school races for other peninsula communities that otherwise would have been canceled.
This perfect storm of factors has taken a financial toll on Tsalteshi this year. It is important to know that TTA is a volunteer-based, user-supported organization. Our operating costs are not covered by governmental, business or granting organizations. We have been fortunate to fund specific development projects through various grants, but TTA is then responsible for maintenance costs — grooming, materials and supplies, equipment, electricity, Port-A-Potty rentals, tools, etc.
The short of it is, we need your help! Please consider supporting your community trails system so Tsalteshi can continue to provide the central peninsula with a place for fun, safe, healthy, family-friendly outdoor recreation.
The short of it is, we need your help! Please consider supporting your community trails system so Tsalteshi can continue to provide the central peninsula with a place for fun, safe, healthy, family-friendly outdoor recreation.
Become a member. Annual membership dues are a VITAL part of Tsalteshi’s annual operating budget. If you are not a member or have not renewed your membership for 2014, please do so at
join-us/. -
Donate. Any amount helps and is greatly appreciated. Donate online
join-us/. -
Designate a portion of your Alaska Permanent Fund dividend through Pick. Click. Give.
Participate in events and activities. Entry fees help cover the costs of grooming, flagging, timing and the myriad other expenses that go into holding a race. Register for the Choose Your Weapon 10k at
Happy spring, and we’ll see you on the trails!