Iceman: the coolest race of the winter

Home / Blog / Iceman: the coolest race of the winter
The Iceman Cometh
Join us for the coolest winter race
on the peninsula!

Preview the awesome here

10 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 15, Skyview Trail Head

Have you heard of a quadrathlon? Now you have. It’s a triathlon with extra awesome. Ski from the Skyview Trailhead to Wolverine, skate 10 laps at the Soldotna Regional Sports Complex, run back to Skyview and swim 300 yards in the pool. This. Will. Be. Epic.
Registration is $35. Teams welcome. To sign up and for event rules, visit the event page online.

Fuzzy Predator

11 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 22, Skyview Trail Head

Ski all of the fuzzy predator trails at Tsalteshi in one swell foop! Wolf, Fox, Bear, Wolverine, Lynx and Coyote await you in this perfect tune-up event for the Tour of Anchorage. Skate and classic races available.
Registration is $25 for adults, $15 for students with a $5 discount for TTA members. To sign up and for more information, visit the event page online.

Volunteers needed

Help! Ayuda! Hilfe! Hjelp! It all translates into the same thing — we need YOU at the trails. Tsalteshi has several events brightening the horizon, but without volunteers the future could be bleak indeed. Can you spare an afternoon to support the trails and your fellow skiers? Lots of roles available, from setup to teardown, course marking, timing, refreshments and everything in between. Join good people and have good fun for a good cause.

  • Feb. 15, Iceman (many, many volunteers needed for this one!)
  • Feb. 22, Fuzzy Predator

Email to sign up or for more information. Lending a hand is the best investment you can make!

Thank you!We don’t need Valentine’s Day to feel the love. We appreciate our volunteers all year round.
  • Thank you to our volunteers at Ski For Women — Ali Dusek, Jim Bennett, Bill Holt, Bobbi Lay, Mary Rhyner, Bill Larned, Linda Tannehill, Matt Pyhala, Joann Riener, Julie Cisco, Ben Gardner, Tom Seggerman and Kaitlin Vadla.
  • And to our volunteers at SkiCross — Bill Holt, Bobbi Lay, Ben Gardner, Sammy and Bud Crawford and Pat King.


Support TTA

Tsalteshi Trails Association is committed to providing a venue for fun, healthy, family friendly outdoor recreation year-round, but we need your help to do it! Financial support from trails users is invaluable in offering programs, holding events and maintaining the trails. Please consider supporting TTA.

  • AmazonSmile. Shopping online? Participate in AmazonSmile and give a gift to Tsalteshi! Use this link when shopping on Amazon and 0.5% of the purchase price will be donated to Tsalteshi Trails Association.

Follow Tsalteshi on Facebook for grooming and others trails updates.

Want more? Visit our calendar online to see all our upcoming events.
Happy trails!