
Home / Blog / Summer!
Choose Your Weapon

Saturday is the first official event of summer — the Choose Your Weapon 10k at Tsalteshi. Run, bike, hike, snowshoe, pogo stick, crawl, moonwalk — whatever mode floats your boat.*
*Note: Actual boats are not allowed. Although a floatation device might be wise…

Time: 11 a.m.
Date: Saturday, April 18
Place: Wolverine Trailhead, K-Beach Road
Pace: Your own. Attitude is more important than aptitude!
Embrace: The mud. Let’s welcome spring with a splash.

Online registration closes tonight. Visit the event page on our website for a discounted price.
Cost: $25 for adults, $15 for students, with a $5 discount for Tsalteshi Trails Association members. Not a member? You can be! Renew/begin your membership here. (All your friends are doing it.)
Day-of-race registration begins at 10:30 a.m. at the trailhead.

Choose Your Weapon* and come battle breakup as we celebrate spring!
*Note: Actual weapons not allowed. And anyway, didn’t your mother teach you not to run with such things?

Want more? OK, then…Let the summer events begin:
Caveman Barefoot 5k — 6 p.m. May 22Come join us for Tsalteshi’s second annual barefoot race. This 5k, shoes optional race is free for TTA members and just $5 for everyone else.
Not a member yet? BECOME ONE.
No preregistration necessary — just show up and race! Race day registration begins at 5:30 p.m. Race is at 6 p.m., at the Wolverine Trailhead off of K-beach.
Get your primal on!

Return of the Salmon (Run Series)Back for Season Four! The Salmon Run Series of races will begin Wednesday, July 8 and continue weekly until Wednesday, August 5.
The Salmon Run Series is a progression of five races hosted at Tsalteshi Trails. Each race is 5 kilometers long and utilizes a variety of trails in the Tsalteshi Trails system. It’s a great way to build your skills, test yourself from week to week and get to know the trails!

Individual race signups will be available soon, and registration for all five races is available now on Tsalteshi’s website.
Just as last year, there will be a youth division. Before each 5k race, there will be a 1k race for children 6 and under. Youth registration will be available for the individual races.
Proceeds are used to fund the Kenai Watershed Forum’s summer youth camps.
Individual races are $10 for Tsalteshi members and $15 for non-members. Register for all five races for a discount — $45 for TTA members or $70 for nonmembers. Not a Tsalteshi member? Become one today and save on these and other awesome events!
Race 1: July 8
Race 2: July 15
Race 3: July 22
Race 4: July 29
Race 5: August 5

More events coming soon!!!!!! Stay tuned to a Facebook Page near you.

Summer Rulz!Summer Rules are now in effect at Tsalteshi Trails. Power to the foot- and pedal-powered people!
As of April 15 (move over, Tax Day!), Tsalteshi Trails officially stuck a fork in the Winter That Wasn’t. (Actually, we allowed summer modes of travel this year once the skiable snow disappeared, but April 15 is the annual official switch date.)
Come enjoy your favorite summer activities on the trails, like running, hiking and biking, and don’t forget the disc golf course on the Squirrel Loop.

HOWEVER, the trails are still drying out and firming up, so please avoid squishy spots, so you don’t put ruts or divots in the trails.

Dogs are allowed if leashed or under voice control.
Motorized vehicles are never allowed on the trails.

Support TTA

Tsalteshi Trails Association is committed to providing a venue for fun, healthy, family friendly outdoor recreation year-round, but we need your help to do it! Financial support from trails users is invaluable in offering programs, holding events and maintaining the trails. Please consider supporting TTA.

  • Pick. Click. Give. Alaskans who registered for the Permanent Fund dividendcan elect to donate a portion to Tsalteshi Trails Association.
  • AmazonSmile. Shopping online? Participate in AmazonSmile and give a gift to Tsalteshi! Use this link when shopping on Amazon and 0.5% of the purchase price will be donated to Tsalteshi Trails Association.
  • Fred Meyer Community Rewards. You can also support Tsalteshi when you shop at Fred Meyer. Visit this site to link your Fred Meyer Rewards card to TTA.

Follow Tsalteshi on Facebook for grooming and other trails updates.

Want more? Visit our calendar online to see all our upcoming events.

Happy trails!