Did you get out and enjoy our first shot of winter? Between last Friday’s dusting and Monday’s dollop we were served up enough snow for groomers Bill and Dan to work their magic on the trails Tuesday. It was thin in spots and sticky in others (meaning, both the snow’s clump factor and the twigs poking up from below) but all trails were skiable Tuesday.
The operative word being “were.” The forecast has foiled this shot of skiing from being the official kickoff to consistent winter conditions. But don’t despair! There are flakes in the longer-term forecast. And we’ve got an event planned to ease the wait:
Backcountry Film Festival
Join us tonight for a ski season kickoff party with a screening of the 2015-16 Backcountry Film Festival! We hosted this festival last fall and the selection of ski-related films was great — amazing, amusing, inspiring and perspiring (for the skiers, onscreen, anyway). This year’s lineup promises another fantastic variety. Check out the trailers here. And Kenai River Brewing is once again providing excellent refreshments (with nonalcoholic beverages available).
When: 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 6
Where: Kenai Visitors and Cultural Center (Much love to the Kenai Chamber of Commerce!)
- $10 for Tsalteshi Trails Association members. (Includes one free beer ticket. Additional beer tickets available for purchase.)
- $10 for those under age 21 (nonalcoholic beverages will be available).
- $20 for nonmembers. BUT if you register to be a TTA member or renew your membership at the event, you get in for free
The weather has unfortunately flushed the vortex race this weekend. It was scheduled for Saturday, but the trails are better for off-road ice skating than either skiing or biking right now.
Be safe out there, and stay tuned for future events.
Turkey Trot
Trot off your turkey day feast with this 5K and 10K fun run the Friday after Thanksgiving. Come enjoy good friends, good fun and good health. More satisfying than pumpkin pie!*
(*This statement not verified by grandmothers. At least more satisfying than mincemeat pie, for sure!)
When: Bib pickup and race-day registration opens at 11 a.m. Nov. 27, with the race starting at noon.
Where: Starting and finishing at the Soldotna Regional Sports Complex. Course follows the Unity Path along K-Beach Road.
Cost: $25 for adults, $15 for kids with a $5 discount for Tsalteshi Trails Association members. (Want to be a member? Do that here.) Prices go up on race day.
Register in advance: Will be available soon at www.tsalteshi.org.
Volunteers needed! Pease contact tsalteshi@yahoo.com if you can help out at the race.
Tsalteshi Trails Youth Ski registration opens Nov. 7!
This program fills up fast. Don’t miss the chance for your kids to learn to ski in a healthy, fun, positive environment. Visithttps://www.tsalteshi.org/events/?ee=216 for more information. The program starts Jan. 16.
Support TTA
Tsalteshi Trails Association is committed to providing a venue for fun, healthy, family friendly outdoor recreation year-round, but we need your help to do it! Financial support from trails users is invaluable in offering programs, holding events and maintaining the trails. Please consider supporting TTA.
- Annual membership is $20 for students and seniors, $50 for individuals and $120 for families. Register online on our website.
- Pick. Click. Give. Alaskans who registered for the Permanent Fund dividend can elect to donate a portion to Tsalteshi Trails Association.
- AmazonSmile. Shopping online? Participate in AmazonSmile and give a gift to Tsalteshi! Use this link when shopping on Amazon and 0.5% of the purchase price will be donated to Tsalteshi Trails Association.
- Fred Meyer Community Rewards. You can also support Tsalteshi when you shop at Fred Meyer. Visit this site to link your Fred Meyer Rewards card to TTA.
Follow Tsalteshi on Facebook for grooming and other trails updates.
Happy trails!