General Membership Meeting December 8th Skyview Middle school @ 7pm!

Home / General / General Membership Meeting December 8th Skyview Middle school @ 7pm!

TTAI hope you all are currently executing your best snow dance and are performing other snow summoning rituals to bring forth the flaky white stuff for Bill to groom!  However, on December 8th, please put down those burning 1980’s touring skis, and douse your bonfire full of old race bibs from the Tour of Anchorage (does that summon snow?) and come out to the Skyview Middle School Library for the General Membership Meeting! The meeting will commence at 7pm and we would love to see all of you there!  You’ll get the chance to catch up with other members, elect new board members, and see what happened this year on the trails!

Again, December 8th at 7pm in the Skyview Middle School library! Call Josh @ 907-398-9849 with any questions.

See you there!