What’s going on above the tennis courts?!?
Tsalteshi is breaking ground on a long-time dream come true — a maintenance building that can hold all our equipment! If you’ve ever seen the groomers have to precision park the snowmachines to fit them in the existing shed or watched them move two just to get to one in the middle, you know why this is so needed. Thanks to a Recreational Trails Program grant through Alaska State Parks and local support, we’re constructing a 36-by-60-foot building that will provide secure, weatherized storage for all our machinery. No more having to leave equipment outside! No more having to tow off machines for minor repairs! No more having to juggle equipment between a shed, a Connex and a lean-to!
The project will include the building, a gated and fenced storage yard for additional security for our grooming drags and other equipment, an access road up from the Skyview pool parking lot and an access trail from the yard to the Wolf Trail at the juncture of Eagle Perch and the tennis court hill.
What will this mean for Tsalteshi?
Increased security, grooming and maintenance efficiency and capacity, with room to grow our fleet in the future.
What will this mean for trail users?
Better use of the Skyview trailhead. Once the project is complete, we’ll reconfigure the current storage area. We’ll leave some storage down on the field for flagging and other event/course-marking supplies. The Connex boxes will be moved out of the way and the existing storage shed will be relocated over by the hockey rink and freed up for community and school event use. No more storage blocking the trailhead! This will offer better flexibility and visibility for our youth programs and all the many races that start/finish at Skyview.
When will it be done?
We’re doing the dirt work and foundation for the building this fall. We’ll construct the building and finish the exterior in the spring. We’re still fundraising for Phase 2, which will finish the interior, add water/sewer, heat and fencing and other final touches. If fundraising goes well, we’ll have that done by next summer.
Will this impact parking/access by the pool?
No. Other than brief moments of staging equipment or supplies in the pool parking lot, this project will not take away from parking or block access by the pool.
Can we help?
Yes, please! Construction costs have come down a little in the last year but are still incredibly expensive. Community donations will help us complete Phase 2 of the building and get it ready for year-round use.
Want more information? Contact Jenny at info@tsalteshi.org or 907-394-6397.