The Tsalteshi Trails Association Board of Directors proposes an amendment to the TTA Bylaws, regarding article IV, Board of Directors and Duties, on the subject of term limits. The Board proposes extending Board terms from a maximum of two consecutive two-year terms, to three consecutive two-year terms (from four years to six years). The change is proposed to increase institutional memory and foster Board talent to better serve the TTA organization and the community.
The following change is posted for TTA member feedback for two weeks, until July 6. Please respond with feedback to
If the bylaw amendment meets final Board approval, it will go into effect immediately and will be applied to the terms of current board members.
Current TTA bylaws Dec2021
Proposed changes in bold:
1. Board of Directors
a. Nine members shall comprise the Board of Directors, elected by the general membership. The Directors shall serve two-year terms, with terms staggered to accommodate the election of 3 to 6 each year. All Board members must be members of the club for the previous 12 months. The terms of offices shall be 2 years with a 3 consecutive term limit. If, at the end of a director’s first or second term, they desire to continue on for an additional term, they may do so without requiring an election by notifying the Chair of their desire to remain on the Board. A Board member must be off the Board for 2 years before seeking reelection. Newly elected Board members shall take office immediately after the election, and each outgoing director shall turn over to their successor in office all properties and records relating to the directorship and their duties.
b. Interim vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Board of Directors. All appointments will be made to fulfill the remainder of the exiting director’s 2-year term, and such appointments shall not count toward the new director’s term limit.
c. Board members are expected to work with other Board members, general members and community members in a professional and respectful manner.