Adult ski lessons

Adult ski lessons

Learn to cross-country ski! Tsalteshi Trails Association is offering classic and skate skiing lessons Sundays and Mondays, Dec. 22-Feb. 3 for adults, for ages 18 and older. All ski levels welcome, from first-time-on-skis to longtime skiers wanting to improve technique. *New this year — race training!* For intermediate to advances skiers looking to tune technique, speed and endurance. Coach Kent Peterson will lead a race training group each lesson. Intervals! Hill repeats! They're more fun with friends! Schedule: Lessons are 2-3 p.m. Sundays and 6-7 p.m. Mondays, Dec. 22- Feb. 3. We'll switch days for techniques each week so everyone has a chance to ski in daylight: Dec. 22 classic, Dec. 23 skate, Dec. 29 skate. Dec. 30 classic, etc. We'll have a lesson on ski waxing, too — date…
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Tree Ski 2024

Tree Ski 2024

The Tsalteshi Tree Ski returns — help us fancy up the forest! Great for families, friends, teams, organizations or businesses — help us decorate trees along the Moose Loop, and feel free to add a sign advertising yourself! Choose any tree you like along Moose and decorate it however you wish. We don't have power available (we're working on it for the future), but there are trail lights along the Moose Loop. Anything reflective/sparkly, big and colorful stands out. Glass, fabric, white or silver decorations aren't recommended. Decorations need to be up by Dec. 28. Decorators can snowshoe out to Moose and walk on the groomed trail surface as needed to decorate. Bringing a sled is a great way to haul decorations. A long pole with a hook is helpful…
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TTA film festival and ski movie

TTA film festival and ski movie

Join us for the TTA annual meeting and film festival, 5:30 p.m. Dec. 7 at the Soldotna Regional Sports Complex. Get stoked for ski season with the newest ski flick from Matchstick Productions — "Calm Beneath Castes." Check out the trailer here.Meet candidates for the Tsalteshi Board of Directors and find out what's new with Tsalteshi Trails Association! Food and beverages from Kenai River Brewing. Come hang out with the coolest ski people around! Doors open at 5:30 p.m. for social hour. Film starts at 6:30 p.m Admission is FREE for TTA members! Or $20 for nonmembers. Renew or start a TTA membership and get in for free!
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Tsalteshi open house

Tsalteshi open house

Events, Maintenance/grooming, TTA Board of Directors
Tsalteshi Trails Association has an open house for its new maintenance building from 1 to 4 p.m. Oct. 12 behind the pool entrance at Skyview Middle School. It's free and open to the public, with food, music, tours of the building and information about what's new with Tsalteshi Trails. For more information, email or call 907-394-6397.
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2024 Tsalteshi Spooktacular and Zombie Run

2024 Tsalteshi Spooktacular and Zombie Run

Tsalteshi Trails Association hosts its annual Spooktacular event Oct. 27 at the Skyview Trailhead, behind Skyview Middle School. Trick-or-treating on the trails, for ages 10 and under, is open from 1 to 3 p.m. Preregistration online is open now. It's $10 for each individual trick-or-treater. For families, it's $10 each for the first two kids and $5 for each additional kid up to 6 in a family. In-person, day-of registration opens at 12 p.m. Station sponsors are wanted for the Trick-or-Treat Trail. Any business, organization or group that would like to host a station — with a game and treats for the kids — can contact Alicia at or 907-252-4788. A costumed Zombie Run, for all ages, starts at 12:30 p.m. Preregistration online is open now. It's $5 for…
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Hit the Trails weekly summer activities

Hit the Trails weekly summer activities

Join Tsalteshi Trails Association for weekly summer activities from June to August. Guided hikes and rides, informational topics, free and open to the public! Get familiar with the trails, meet other trail users and maybe even learn something in the process. Most events last about an hour. Dress for the weather and bring your bug deterrent of choice. Dogs allowed unless otherwise specified but must be on a leash. For more information, contact Jenny at or 907-394-6397. Where are these trailheads? Skyview Trailhead: Meet at the old hockey rink behind Skyview Middle School, 46188 Sterling Hwy, Soldotna, AK 99669. Skyview Pool Entrance: Behind Skyview Middle School (to the right, if facing the school), 46188 Sterling Hwy, Soldotna, AK 99669. Wolverine Trailhead: Across Kalifornsky Beach Road from the Soldotna Regional…
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Adult Ski Lessons

Adult Ski Lessons

Tsalteshi Trails Association is offering classic and skate skiing lessons from Jan. 7-Feb. 14. For ages 18 and older. All* experience levels welcome, from first-time-on-skis through those wanting to refine their technique. (*We'll probably have limited coaching capacity for advanced skiers... we might put you to work teaching others! :) Classic technique lessons: 2-3 p.m. Sundays, Jan. 7-Feb. 11 (register in advance online or in person) Skate technique lessons: 6-7 p.m. Mondays, Jan. 8-Feb. 12 (register in advance online or in person) Guided drop-in skis to practice what you're learning and get acquainted with the trails: 6-7 p.m. Wednesdays, Jan. 10-Feb. 14 (no registration required) TTA members: $5 per lesson (start or renew a TTA membership here) Non-TTA members: $10 per lesson No fee for Wednesday drop-in skis Save $$…
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Tsalteshi Tree Ski 2024

Tsalteshi Tree Ski 2024

Help Tsalteshi brighten up winter with the Tsalteshi Tree Ski! Decorate a tree by Jan. 5 Come to the Tree Ski from 6-8 p.m. Jan. 6 Undecorate your tree by the end of February Businesses, organizations, teams, families, friends, groups of complete strangers who happen to like decorating — come one, come all! The Moose Loop has small, medium and large trees available, suitable for families with young kids up to the more ambitious. (But don't risk hurting yourself and don't damage the trees trying to get them decorated!) We're looking for volunteers to decorate trees on the Moose Loop (lighted loop behind Skyview Middle School). Decorations should be up by Jan. 5. Tsalteshi will hold a community Tree Ski from 6-8 p.m. Jan. 6. Come ski, snowshoe or walk…
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Film premiere and annual meeting

Film premiere and annual meeting

Events, TTA Board of Directors
Join Tsalteshi Trails Association for the Kenai Peninsula premiere of "The Land of the Giants" by Matchstick Productions. Featuring the best skiers in the world, riding unbelievable conditions to the very edge and beyond. It's a celebration of the natural world, and a reminder of the power of the human spirit. Featuring winter wonderlands all over the world, including Alaska! Tsalteshi is premiering LOTG as part of our annual membership meeting. Find out what's new with Tsalteshi, hear from candidates for the Board of Directors, beverages from Kenai River Brewing, food, music, auctions and Tsalteshi merch. Come hang with the coolest ski people around! Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Film starts around 6:30 p.m. Board applications accepted through Dec. 1. More information and application here. Admission is FREE for TTA…
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Tsalteshi Track Patch

Tsalteshi Track Patch

Show your Tsalteshi pride with a new Tsalteshi Track Patch every year! Participate in at least three activities in one year — a running event, a biking event, a skiing event or volunteering at Tsalteshi — to earn your 3.5x3.5-inch patch in December. For example, you ran (or walked) one Salmon Run race, you rode the Tsalteshi Gauntlet bike event and you coached Sprockets. Or you skied the Tour of Tsalteshi, you rode in one Soldotna Cycle Series race and you ran/walked in Race Like an Animal. Or you coached youth ski, you skied in the Ski for Women and ran the Zombie Run. Patches are free but you must be a TTA member to qualify. Show off your TTA pride and earn a new patch every year! Want to…
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