Good ‘tri’ — Triathlon sees wide growth in 2nd running

Good ‘tri’ — Triathlon sees wide growth in 2nd running

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Story and photos courtesy of Jenny Neyman, Redoubt Reporter, copyright 2011. Alisa Kincaid kicks to the finish ahead of and Katy Rosane in Sunday’s Tri-the-Kenai at Skyview High School. The second year of the Tri drew 210 racers and 120 volunteers. “They say the best thing you can do to exercise your heart is reach out to people. If that’s the case, this event is nothing but heart,” said Greg Russell, co-director of the Tri-the-Kenai triathlon held Sunday at Skyview High School in Soldotna. Pounding-from-exertion heart for the 200-plus racers who gave it their all, perhaps. But heart, nonetheless. “They should change the name to tri-hill-a-thon,” said Yvonne Henrickson, of Anchorage. She and Mona Bremont heard about Tri-the-Kenai while doing the Gold Nugget Triathlon in Anchorage in May, and decided…
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Summer activity on the Trails

Summer activity on the Trails

Blog, Uncategorized
Tiger Demers will start trail walking class June 7 at 12:00. Tiger has volunteered his time for class, June thru August every Tuesday. Meet at the wax shed behind Skyview High School, bring poles and trail shoes. ...Age: 12 years and older Required to be a current member of TTA For additional info contact Tiger at: or (907)283-5133
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General, Tsalteshi Ski Trails, Uncategorized
The trails less goopy than usual for this time of the year and the conditions get better every day. The Wolverine, Goat, Coyote and Bear are all bike-able if you pay attention for soft spots. All other trails are walk/run-able with a few spots to stay on sides. The Wolf and Moose are the goopiest and it is still possible to make it all the way around without getting mud on the top of your shoes.
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