Survey says…

Survey says…

Documents, Events, General, Maintenance/grooming, Tsalteshi Ski Trails, TTA Board of Directors
TTA survey spring 2023 Thank you to everyone who completed our trail user survey this spring. You gave our Board of Directors a lot to discuss. The survey provides important information about our users, what you value about the trails, areas we could do better and what you’d like to see in the years ahead. We are factoring your responses into our current operations, programming, priorities and areas of growth in the future. In reviewing survey results, several themes emerged: Projects  We’re with you — we would love to do ALL THE THINGS!!! As a nonprofit organization, Tsalteshi must seek grants and raise our own funds for any developments we pursue. And we have to balance long-term sustainability with desired improvements. The last thing we want is to spend too…
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Polar Vortex

Blog, General, Tsalteshi Ski Trails, Uncategorized
October 22, 2016 - October 22, 2016 Map and Directions | Register Description: Polar Vortex is an hour long cyclocross race and is the culmination of the Chainwreck Cyclocross Series. October 22nd at 2 pm at the Wolverine Trailhead, Check Facebook for Updates Cost for members is $10 (Promo Code TTAMEMBER), and non-members $15. Register
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Tsalteshi Spook Night!

Blog, General, Tsalteshi Ski Trails, Uncategorized
October 30, 2016 - October 30, 2016 Map and Directions | Register Description: Put on your best costume and join us at the Tsalteshi Trails behind Skyview Middle School! Trick or Treat Trail - $10 each for the first 2 children, $5 each after that (When registering online, please register the first two children individually due to website limitations and bring cash or a check to the event for the discounted children), up to 6 children in a family -Registration from 5:00 to 6:15 – Trail open after registration, and closes at 6:30 Zombie 5k - $30, $5 discount if in costume (Enter Promo Code COSTUME), $5 discount if current TTA member (Enter Promo Code TTAMEMBER) -Registration from 5:00 to 6:00 – Race begins at 6pm Free Chili feed to follow Register
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Cold but workable…

General, Tsalteshi Ski Trails, Uncategorized
Skate skiing over the last week on Wolverine has been more work, but still doable; not been unbearably slow. Unless it's my imagination, the surface has been regularly scratched up by the groomers. Many thanks to whoever takes care of Tsalteshi -- I've skiied all around the Peninsula over the holidays, and no one, but no one, takes care of their trails like they do here.
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