Fall for Some Fun at Tsalteshi Trails

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Chainwreck Cyclocross SeriesTsalteshi Trails andBeemun's Bike & Ski Loft present the Chainwreck Cyclocross Series on Thursdays through Oct. 29. All races begin at 6:30 p.m. and will change trailheads. Please follow Tsalteshi Trails on Facebook for the specifics of each race. Thursday, October 8 — Starts at the Skyview Trailhead. Meet at 5:15 for a technique clinic, followed by the race at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, October 15 - WOLVERINE TRAILHEAD Thursday, October 22 - WOLVERINE TRAILHEAD Thursday, October 29 - Skyview Trailhead No pre-registration necessary, just show up and ride. Free for active Tsalteshi members, $5 everyone else. Not a current member? Become oneHERE. What is cyclocross, you ask? Well... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFo4qM-edo4 Ski and Sport SwapThe Kenai Nordic Ski team will hold its annual ski/sport swap from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 24…
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Dogs on the trails

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TTA users: Tsalteshi Trails continues to experience increased use, and while it's great to see more people out enjoying outdoor fitness and recreation, more people on the trails can mean more potential for conflicts. Gone are the days of expecting to head out and not see another car in the lot or person in the woods. For the trails to be enjoyable to all, all users need to demonstrate courtesy, responsibility and a sense of safety for ourselves and others. For those recreating with their four-legged friends, please be mindful of your dog's behavior while using Tsalteshi Trails. Tsalteshi has a "leash or voice control" policy when it comes to dogs on the trail system in the spring, summer and fall (dogs are not allowed on the trails during winter).…
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Boo, Thanks for a Great Spook Night!

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            A soggy good time was had Oct. 27th during Tsalteshi Trails Association’s third annual Spook Night. Community and municipal organizations as well as businesses sponsored activity stations along our trick-or-treat trail, and about 120 kids came out with their families to enjoy the fun in the pouring rain. After costume judging for kids, adults and dogs, our 5-kilometer Zombie Run lurched into motion with 19 entries, complete with a volunteer zombie scare crew. Once the sun started to go down, hot beverages and chili were available to help warm up.             The Tsalteshi Trails Association would like to thank our Spook Night volunteers: TTA Board, Bill Holt, Tammy Goggia, Lindsay Jester, Linda Tannehill, Carmen Stephl, Cathy Carrow, Laura Pillifant and Jeff Fox, the Scary Soldotna High…
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PsychoCross Mountain Bike Race, August 31

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The PsychoCross Mountain Bike Race (August 31) is a "Off-Piste" mountain bike race. The course is serious, helmets are mandatory and you must be at least 18 years of age to participate. The race starts at the Skyview High School trailhead. Registration/bib pick up begins at noon and the race starts at 1pm. Sign up online HERE. Online registration is $20. Race day registration is $25. We are also looking for volunteers for the event. Please email us at tsalteshi@yahoo.com to help out.
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Ready, set, REGISTER and run! Fountain of Youth Pursuit is Saturday, Aug. 17!

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Ready, set, REGISTER and run! Fountain of Youth Pursuit is Saturday, Aug. 17! Tsalteshi Trails’ inaugural 10k Fountain of Youth Pursuit run is this Saturday, Aug. 17, at 10 a.m. at the trails behind Skyview High School. Don’t miss your chance to be involved in the first pursuit run (that we know of) in Alaska! Runners are assigned staggered start times according to their age and gender, with kids and older runners given head starts. It’s up to the 20-year-old guys to try to catch up. First across the finish line wins! This unique format means that any runner, of any age has an equal chance at a winning placement. But to get your head start, you must REGISTER IN ADVANCE! All day-of-race signups will be seeded in the last wave…
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Year in Review!!

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The Tsalteshi Trails provide over 12 miles of cross country ski and running trails that are frequented by 3 high schools, 2 middle schools, a youth (6-12 years old) ski program, several adult fitness groups and countless members of the community at large.  We believe healthy outdoor activity is fundamental to physical, mental, and emotional health and are proud to contribute to the high quality of life available to residents of Soldotna and the greater area. We had a productive year in 2012!  New trail projects were completed on two parcels we obtained permission to develop in 2011.  The “Fox” trail, developed on City of Soldotna property, provides a challenging, rolling loop that also affords new route options for racing and recreational skiing.  On Kenai Peninsula Borough property we roughed…
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Last chance to Shine: Alaska Skimeister Challenge in Girdwood

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AK Skimeister Challenge The 1st Annual Skimeister Challenge will be held on April 13th, 2013. The Skimeister Challenge is a fundraising event for the Challenge Alaska Competition Program & Alyeska Ski Club Juniors and Devos Programs. Both are non-profit organizations dedicated to providing affordable skiing and riding opportunities to the youth of South-Central Alaska and people with disabilities. Our #1 goal with the Skimeister is to bring the entire winter ski community together to share our appreciation for winter recreation. A ‘skimeister’ is defined as a skier with the best all-around performance in a downhill, slalom, cross-country, and jumping competition.  The opportunity to declare a Skimeister must involve multiple feats of skiing not just one element. Who will hold the title of Skimeister of Alaska? Will it be a Nordic, Back-Country…
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Biathlon Range Opening!

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Interested in biathlon, the exciting sport that combines the aerobic demands of cross-country skiing and the precision of rifle marksmanship? We will be opening the old range at the bottom of the Raven and Beaver loops for three Saturdays (March 2, 9 and 16) from 10 a.m. to noon for those who are currently members of US Biathlon and have attended a biathlon range safety clinic.  (See map for temporary trail closures during this time). If you are interested in getting involved in biathlon and participating in future range openings, email us at tsalteshi@yahoo.com and we’ll give you more information on the requirements for getting started, including an upcoming range safety clinic you can attend on Febuary 23.  Link to printable map.  
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Besh Cup Maps & More

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Besh Cup maps can be found under "race results" on the left side menu. These races are a big deal.  The race courses will be on race day until after the competition. Please come out and watch, participate or volunteer!  Volunteer sign up is available here.
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Pick. Click. Give. to Tsalteshi Trails

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Pick. Click. Give. to Tsalteshi Trails Pick a time — day or evening, weekdays or weekends — click into your skis and give yourself and your family a fun, healthy outdoors experience. Tsalteshi Trails is there for the community with more than 11 miles of well-maintained trails, four miles of lighted loops for evening use, and easy access with two trail heads right in town. Our community can be there for the trails through the Pick. Click. Give. program. As Alaskans apply for their permanent fund dividend, they can choose to donate a portion of their PFD to Tsalteshi Trails Association. The annual PFD application period opens Jan. 1 and runs through March 31. Look for Tsalteshi Trails Association in the list of nonprofit Pick. Click. Give. organizations while filing…
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